Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy - Eagala
  • Welcome to Eagala - The Premier Model for Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and Training


Bridging the Gap Between Mental Health and Equine Expertise

Transforming Lives Through Equine-Assisted Therapy

Eagala, the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association, is dedicated to revolutionizing mental health treatment by incorporating the profound and therapeutic presence of horses. Our mission is to train and certify licensed Mental Health Professionals and qualified Equine Specialists, enabling them to collaborate and offer an innovative form of therapy that addresses a wide range of issues including addiction, domestic abuse, behavioral disorders, depression, anxiety, and trauma.

Eagala is an innovative mental health treatment model incorporating horses who are highly attuned and offer an environment for clients to discover their answers within themselves. Using a collaborative approach, the Eagala model incorporates a licensed Mental Health Professional and a qualified Equine Specialist working together with horses and clients as equal partners in an experiential process that empowers life-changing outcomes.

The Eagala Model: Where Healing and Growth Meet

Eagala believes that mental health needs are at an all-time high. According to the latest study by the Mental Health America organization, there are 1 in 5 American adults who will have a diagnosable mental health condition in any given year. This number holds true for Australia as well. In Australia and the United States anxiety is prevalent, with studies showing 42.5 million Americans and 3.4 million Australians suffering from this disorder. In 2023, mental well-being was measured in 71 countries around the world and remained at its post-pandemic low with yet again no sign of movement toward pre-pandemic levels.

In Canada, one in three people will have experienced a mental illness in their lifetime. In the UK eight million people are suffering from anxiety disorder, to the point that in 2023 the UK considered mental health a national emergency. Almost half of the people in New Zealand will experience mental distress or illness in their lifetime while in South Africa, estimates show one in six adults meet criteria for mental health issues.

The impact of untreated mental health continues to be a concern as it takes shape around the globe. While many mental health needs go unmet regardless of the country, a variety of approaches are needed to aid mental health professionals in combating this need.

Our unique approach combines mental health practitioners’ expertise with the equine specialist’s knowledge of horses, and the intuitive, non-judgmental presence of the horses to create a dynamic therapeutic environment. Eagala’s role in this global fight is to set the standards and provide support and education to professionals who are working hard to change lives worldwide with equine-assisted psychotherapy and personal development.

The Eagala Model provides an innovative solution that offers a unique space for an on-the-ground equine experience. Eagala’s Code of Ethics serves as our global standard to conduct business, and guide practice for all members, providing for the wellbeing and safety of your clients and horses. Eagala’s vision is to work to ensure that every person around the world has access to Eagala model services.

Ground-Based for Freedom and Safety

Many are surprised to discover that Eagala is a ground-based therapy–there is no riding of the horses. This allows the horses to be themselves and have the freedom to make their choices. They are part of the team, and it’s one of the dynamics that makes Eagala certified professionals sessions so powerful.

While our primary reason for staying ground-based is to achieve the greatest benefits for clients, it’s also safer for clients to keep two feet on the ground. Our goal is not to teach riding or horsemanship but to provide an opportunity for the client’s life stories to unfold metaphorically. The horses play powerful characters in this narrative by revealing relationship dynamics or other symbolic aspects of life. Because horses are free to move, they can create shifts in the client’s stories and bring about awareness and change.

Why Mental Health Awareness and Treatment Matter

Mental health issues are pervasive, affecting millions worldwide. The impact of untreated mental health conditions can be devastating, leading to diminished quality of life, strained relationships, and lost productivity. Raising awareness and providing effective treatment options are crucial steps in addressing this global challenge.

Eagala is committed to expanding the horizons of mental health treatment by training therapists and equine specialists so they can offer a powerful alternative that harnesses the healing strength of the human-horse connection.

The Therapeutic Power of Horses

Horses are incredibly perceptive animals, capable of responding to subtle cues and emotions in humans. Their natural behavior and herd dynamics provide rich metaphors for clients to explore their life experiences. The presence of horses in therapy sessions offers several unique benefits:


Horses mirror human emotions and behaviors without judgment, allowing clients to gain insight into their feelings and actions.


Working with horses helps clients develop trust, improve communication skills, and build healthy relationships.


Interacting with horses can help clients learn to manage and regulate emotions in a safe and supportive environment.


The physical aspect of working with horses can improve clients’ overall well-being and contribute to the therapeutic process.

Why Horses?


To evade predators, horses have evolved to be extremely sensitive to their environment. They instinctively analyze and react to our body language and other nonverbal cues, providing valuable feedback and insights for other areas of our lives.


It’s hard to ignore a horse with their size and presence. We can’t just control a powerful horse. Approaching horses helps us reflect on how we approach our relationships and how we can face other big or overwhelming things in our lives.


Horses are social animals with defined roles within a herd. They have distinct personalities, attitudes, and moods. They could be stubborn or they could be playful. In other words, horses are a lot like us.

Join the Eagala Community

Eagala operates training locations around the globe, wherever horses are available, and Eagala continuously seeks to expand our reach. Our program offers mental health professionals an opportunity to enhance their practice with equine-assisted therapy, while horse trainers can bring new purpose to their work by integrating their horses into the mental health field.

For Mental Health Professionals

For Equine Specialists

Get Certified with Eagala

Eagala Programs

Are you seeking equine therapy for yourself, a family member, or a loved one? There are Eagala-certified providers throughout the United States as well as the rest of the world. Go to our programs page to find an Eagala program that might be right for you.

Military Services

The Eagala Military Services Designation sets a new standard for equine-assisted psychotherapy tailored specifically for active military members, reserves, veterans, and their families. This unique designation in the realm of equine-assisted therapy is built upon the Eagala Model and ensures that Eagala Military Services Providers possess specialized credentials along with a profound understanding of military culture and life.

Contact Eagala

Ready to take the next step? Contact us today to learn more about our certification programs, training locations, and how you can become part of the Eagala community. Together, we can make a significant impact on mental health and well-being through the transformative power of horses.